Recommendations from pregnancy thru adulthood
As a person goes through different stages in life, the same nutrients are need only in different quantities.
(Richins, 2012) |
Initially, when a woman becomes pregnant, she should continue to eat the recommendations that ate before she was pregnant for the first three months or what is called the first trimester provided she is a healthy weight. Once the second trimester starts, she must increase to 340 calories more and then to 450 in the third and final trimester. Sizer and Whitney (2012) suggests in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and also lactation of consuming two cups of fruit, 3 cups of vegetables, eight ounces of grains, six and one half ounces of protein and three cups of milk.
(Fourwinds 10, 2013). |
(Fanpop, 2013) |
(Applebaum, N.D.) |
(Epsychology, 2012) |
As adults, the dietary recommendations also vary according to gender and age as suggested by (N.D.)
Women ages 19-30 should consume two cups of fruit while women ages 31 and up should consume 1/2 cups. Men ages 19 and up should consume two cups of fruit. When it comes to vegetables, women 19-50 should consume two and one half cups and women 51 and up should have two cups. Men 19-50 require three cups and after 50 reduce to two and one half cups of vegetables. Women 19-50 need six ounces of grains; 51 and over need five ounces. All adult women require at least three ounces of grains. Men 19-30 need eight ounces of grain with a minimum of four ounces. When a man is 30-50 he will require seven ounces
(Thibodeaux, 2013) |
Men ages 51 and up need six ounces of grain with a minimum of three ounces. When it comes to protein for women ages 19-30 the body requires five and one half ounces. Women ages 31 and older need five ounces. Men ages 19-30 need six and one half ounces, 31-50 six ounces, and 51 and older need five and one half ounces. Dairy requirements for women and men 19 and older is three cups.
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